Author: STT Admin
University of Virginia’s animated mascot
Erik Elvgren is an experienced animator and producer who works at the University of Virginia. He is behind the creation of “The Adventures of Cavman”, a short pre-produced video package on the big stadium’s big screen that shows Virginia’s football mascot in a virtual battle with the opposing team’s mascot, as a way to get […]
Read more »Gait and Balance Analysis Lab
An optical motion capture system is an extremely powerful tool for the professional into the motion analysis. It provides an accurate tracking of anatomical points, and if the right analysis protocols are used, the resulting data will help determine pathologies and assess the evolution of a person’s biomechanics. The Faculty of Physio Therapy of the […]
Read more »Meet us at ISBS 2015 (Poitiers)
The International Conference of Biomechanics in Sports is an annual conference organised by ISBS (International Society of Biomechanics in Sports). In 2015 this conference will be held in Poitiers, France, at the campus of the Université de Poitiers, one of the oldest universities in Europe. This year around 500 experts from more than 50 countries […]
Read more »STT’s new partner in Turkey: Inosens
Inosens is a young company formed by talented and experienced people, and with focus on biomechanics and 3D scanning. They are located in the stunning Teknopark of Istanbul. Ismail Uzun, General Manager at Inosens, explains that ‘our aim is to provide innovative and sensitive solutions to take a decisive role in the future of a […]
Read more »STT-IBS sensors & interactive virtual reality
The ENIT (L’Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes, in France) is one of many customers using STT’s inertial sensors for research related to interactive virtual reality. Their lab, says Mourad Benoussaad, lead Engineer and Researcher at the site, “includes an optical-based motion capture system, a haptic arm, and a projectors for a stereo display”. He explains […]
Read more »FINA World Swimming Championships
Building on the experience acquired during Barcelona 2003 World Swimming Championships (STT InThePool 1.0 system) and Barcelona 2013 FINA World Swimming Championship, STT has developed InThePool 2.0, a powerful tool for swimming analysis based on camera tracking and machine vision algorithms. A standard InThePool 2.0 configuration comprises a set of 6-12 1MP@100FPS color cameras working […]
Read more »“Recent advances in biomechanical analysis systems” (Institut Català del Peu)
On March 21st and 22nd the course “Recent advances in biomechanical analysis systems” was held at Casa Valencia (Barcelona), with the participation of Dr. Virginia Novel Martí (Professor Emeritus, University of Barcelona), faculty of the Department of Podiatry (UB) and STT Systems.
Read more »STT launches its new website
STT launches its new website, with a redesign that will ease the navigation and will help our customers find information faster. The new web includes two new sections: “Customer cases”, where you will find actual installations and products, and “News”, to keep up to date with events attended by STT staff and to read about the […]
Read more »Biomechanics Lab (Mutua Navarra)
Mutua Navarra has a Biomechanic Laboratory of 39.82 square meters for the evaluation of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of workers with temporary disability, after suffering an occupational accident or common disease, and having some kind of limitation or difficulty returning to their pre-accident normal activities. Using a 3D motion capture device with […]
Read more »iSen and CLIMA in Singapore
Researchers at the National University of Singapore are using isen for different studies. One of them involves a project with Nanyang Technological University, where a team is developing an upper limb stroke rehabilitation device which integrates mind and body to accelerate functional recovery. One component of this is the EMG sensor arm glove. They intend […]
Read more »Zonapies: insole manufacturing
Zonapies uses STT’s rubra scanners for custom insole manufacturing. In a nutshell, Zonapies’ process comprises the following steps: The podiatrists scan their patient’s feet with Rubra at their own facilities. Podiatrists email those files to Zonapies, together with their prescriptions. Zonapies receives them and uses STT’s software to come up with final 3D design of […]
Read more »Scanning small objects
This customer case shows the use of STT’s scanners beyond their traditional use (i.e., other rather than reverse engineering, anthropometry and similar). Angel statue For this angel statue a single laser scan unit was used and the statue was placed over a rotatory base. A total of four scans were necessary to digitize the object. […]
Read more »Podia Scanner and Rubra Scanner used by Activ Ortopedic
Activ Ortopedic makes use several STT’s products to design custom orthopedic shoes and insoles. Their installation comprises two Podia scanners, one Rubra and the Insole Studio software package. Podia scanners are used during the design of orthopedic shoes to take all the dimensions of the foot needed. Later on, they use Podia again to scan […]
Read more »STT at the First Symposium on Biomechanics in Cycling
STT took active part at the 1st Symposium on Biomechanics in Cycling, hold in Madrid on Feb. 20th-21st, organized by the Asociación Española de Biomecánica del Ciclismo.
Read more »2014 Dance Festival
Ever considered studying the biomechanics of dancing? “Just use isen! – complex tracking made easy”. The winner of 2014 Dance Festival in Spain explains how he uses this system.
Read more »STT: New technology Partner of zFlo
zFlo is the new official distributor of STT in the United States. Read the full announcement. zFlo es el nuevo distribuidor oficial de STT en los Estados Unidos. Lee la noticia completa.
Read more »3rd International Conference On Sports Innovation (Cairo)
STT and its local partner Biomedica International were the exclusive official sponsors on biomechanics at the 3rd International Conference On Sports Innovation recently held in Cairo, Egypt. An extensive participation from universities accross Arab regions made this event exceptionally successful. STT y su socio local Biomedica International fueron los patrocionadores oficiales en biomecánica durante el […]
Read more »Mutua Navarra inaugurates its new Biomechanics Lab
In the press: The President of the Government of Navarre, Yolanda Barcina, inaugurates a Biomechanics Lab equipped with STT motion analysis systems. Read more.
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