Myon AG, in cooperation with the Sports Institute of the Technical University of Munich, recently carried out a series of groundbreaking tests in the field of ski jumping. Analyzing full-body motion has always been challenging due to the long distances covered by the athlete, including a considerably long flight phase, which keeps them away from wireless networks. However, a very simple procedure has now opened up new horizons.

The iSen software is capable of acquiring data from a wide range of third-party devices, such as force plates, data gloves, or EMG. A recent update allows the seamless integration of Myon IMUs, making it easier for many users to work with iSen’s biomechanics modules and post-processing capabilities. These IMUs are designed to work either in real-time (streaming data to a computer) or storing data for later download, which is exactly what was done in this case.
Taking advantage of these capabilities and in cooperation with young athletes from the C-Classification of the German ski jumping team, the research group conducted a series of trials in Oberstdorf, with impressive results.
The IMUs were attached to the athlete’s body and captured every movement during the jump. Once the recording was complete, the data was downloaded into the iSen software for visualization and biomechanical analysis, with a 3D recreation of the athlete’s movement. Just one of many applications for offline motion capture and analysis!